4 October 2013

Unusual pesto recipes and spinach muffins.

Autumn View Outside My Window , but in my kitchen is dominated by green food like spring. For the pesto, I've used basil from my home pot growing. This tastes better :-)
A pity that spinach is not of my growing, maybe one day.


1-2  cloves garlic, chopped

1 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped 

1 handful sunflower seeds

90 g grated Parmigiano

extra virgin olive oil

sea salt

freshly ground black pepper

 Method you can find HERE 

Ingredients for 8 muffins:

A little oil or margarine for frying and grease the molds

1 small red onion (chopped)

1 cup gluten-free flour

1 egg

100 ml of water

3/4 cup grated Parmigiano cheese

1 1/2 cup fresh spinach

6 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon sugar 

1 teaspoon baking powder

pepper and salt to taste

Method you can find HERE

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  1. Cudne sa te muffinki, cudne! Wlasnie ostatnio o nich myslalam... No i pesto wyglada smakowicie!

  2. Stopping by from tasty tuesdays. The pesto and muffins look delicious. I am pinning to try later. Thank you for sharing!


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