17 July 2013

Home-made Play-dough.

Make yourself Play-dough for kids to play with because they would love it. It is very simple. You will probably find all the ingredients in your kitchen.

2 cups of plain flour
3 tablespoons of cooking oil
1 cup of salt
boiling water {as many as you need}
Food coloring or paint for kids {I used the paint}
Essential oils make it smell good { but I do not recommend because the kids might want to eat it.} you could also use glitter.
  Stir together until you get a nice texture of  play-dough.

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  1. Hi
    I tried a similar recipe but with food coloring and the colors came out very pale. Does the paint come off on your hands (and surfaces) when playing with it?

    1. The paint doesn't come off on your hands. I use the paint for fingers painting for kids. The fist time i also used food coloring and was very pale. Now is ok. When you start mix you will be the colors on you hand . I get more oil then I wrote ,the colors are nice.

  2. Hi Joanna,
    I'm stopping by from Tutorial Thursdays. I love homemade play dough, it's so much better than whatever chemicals are in the store-bought stuff!
    hope you're having an awesome day.
    Juggling Act Mama

    ps - your photos are awesome!

  3. I remember I always wanted to eat the play dough. It always smells so good! I look forward to making some for my boy too :-)

  4. Great idea, moms playdough is the best :)

    Thanks so much for linking up on Tutorial Thursdays Linky Party. Voting has started, please take a moment to cast your vote on your favourite link of this week :) I look forward to seeing what you share with us this week.

    Marigolds' Loft


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